Anything worth having is worth working for!
We've all heard this before, right? Well, if you knew that just putting in a few hours of study a week could have you replacing your current income in the matter of...oh, let's say, 6 months??? Would you be willing to put the time in?
I have the information you need to get started. Now, please understand, this is not a "be-a-millionaire-tomorrow" type of thing. You WILL have to put it time studying, practicing & educating yourself, but as one of MY past mentors would say - once you GET it and your earnings become consistent, you get ALL that time back!
Before we go any further, let's address some things I'm sure you're wondering:
This is NOT a build-up or solicitation to sign you up for any program or company. You choose what option works best for you.
Outside of the training & mentoring I provide, the abundance of resources I will share are FREE99!
The training and resources I share with you will help get you started...
If you are not COMMITTED to put the time into learning this skill, please do not move any further!
This requires a FOCUS and CONSISTENTCY! If you're looking for a shortcut, this is NOT for you!
Again, I am sharing this information as my GIFT to you! I don't expect anything in return other than you creating a legacy for your family.
I will bring you to the water - it's up to you to drink!
You have 2 options to LEARN THIS SKILL:
You can schedule your 1-on-1 Sessions through the FOREXnCHILL Academy, at your convenience. You can schedule as many or as little as you feel you need. Pricing is $100 per hour and all sessions are recorded and given to you after. To register & schedule --->
Become a Scholar at the Academy...
Using our exclusive educational platform, FOREXnCHILL. You will have access to private team chat, private team groups, special classes, scalping strategies, trade ideas & signals, automated traders, custom & exclusive indicators and more. The subscription for these services* start are $79/month - no contract. For more information or to enroll --->
*Three (3) Indicators created EXCLUSIVELY for our team is also available at no additional cost. We have proven high winning averages using these.
*For those interested in obtaining a FUNDED ACCOUNT (through our own funder, FNC Funding, or any others), we have an exclusive plan to get you rolling in 30 days or less! At NO EXTRA COST!