...as shared from Ms. Daisy, Founder
It began two decades ago in the summer of 1991.
“An Afternoon Of Intellectual Stimulation”, comprised of women only of all ages, backgrounds, and professions gathered once a month on a Saturday afternoon in Grand Prairie, Texas at the home of Rabbani and Rashidah (aka Ms. Daisy) Bakr for what is now known by many, as an unforgettable historical event.
Topics and questions of discussion were placed in a basket, and fully and honestly discussed. We only had one rule of discussion - ABSOLUTELY NO MEN BASHING!!! This turned out to actually be therapy for many women and really helped women with various situations and challenges with their mates and significant others, children, other women, parents, step-parents, step-children, siblings, employers, business, finances, community, politics, race relations, and the lists goes on and on.
Every month, we gathered, dialogued, and enjoyed lots and lots of delicious food and non-alcoholic beverages provided by all delightful women that attended. We only had one food exclusion - NO PORK. There were always new women that attended every month. We only had one new attendee rule:
Sometime later, I was engaged in a casual conversation with a very close and still cherished dear friend, Ms. Sherry Clark-Thomas, when she referred to an upcoming monthly event as my “Fa-La-La—Afternoon DeLight”, and shortly after, I changed the name of the event to “Afternoon DeLight”.
Toward the end of 1992, I reviewed all the topics and questions that had been discussed each month for the past year and a half, and found that a large majority of discussion in some way or another were about various levels of relationships between men and women. Hmmmmmm... So, in January 1993, men from various backgrounds, professions, and ages were invited to the monthly Afternoon DeLight - of whom, six men served as guest panelists. To say this event was a hit with both men and women in attendance would be an absolute understatement! The men did not hold back! They were VERY honest and open!
The intent was to invite men as guest panelists on a bi-monthly basis to Afternoon DeLight, but the interests from the men was surprisingly overwhelming. Hmmmmmm... They would call asking “When is the next Afternoon DeLight?” They would ask other past attendees, ”When is the next Afternoon DeLight?” Oh, WOW! The Afternoon DeLight buzz was spreading, and the number of attendees by women and men just kept growing.
Some people were driving from nearby states just to attend Afternoon DeLight. WOW!
Relationships, personal issues and concerns of so many, many women and men in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex and surrounding areas that attended Afternoon DeLight over the years were improved, restored and mended.
It became a safe place to share - a safe place to connect - a safe place to be healed.
An event that began almost 3 decades ago is now back and better than EVER! Adult men & women of various ages, backgrounds and opinions are brought together to discuss topics ranging from politics and religion to relationships and business.
Questions are anonymously submitted by attendees and dropped in a basket. A question is randomly chosen from the basket and read aloud. Once the panelist(s) have responded, it is open for discussion for all attendees.
Please click below to read a brief "history" of this unforgettable event,
as told by founder, Ms. Daisy.